
croatia-stampNot the trip I imagined with most clubs closed for winter and the weather too temperamental to plan sightseeing or surfing, and yet that turned out to be fine. Last days spent at the Diocletian palace and on the beach, eating fried dough and wandering streets allowed me to see the city as it once was. Sad that little attention is given to preservation, and this applies to most of Croatia.

The harbor, the seaside, the forest and the ability to stay near it all gave me time to reflect, even though I’m doing two jobs during transition to promotion, and 200+ tickets became the norm. Mosquitoes used me as a buffet table again, biting clean through my pants. And I was Queen of Bees when recording my intro video.

Unmatched hospitality, and many sites to look forward to — such as Solana — when I come back. Rained all week and that made this cobalt beauty even more beautiful.

8 October 2015 – Independence Day

Postnote: Accidentally left my cell phone at apartment when bringing down luggage, M’s mom drove to airport and got it through security and on the plane five minutes before departure. Props to the male air steward who listened and helped me — all women ignored and treated me with disdain. I cried out of gratitude and now keep this phone for sentimental reasons.